Year of Rembrandt
This year marks the 350th anniversary of Rembrandt’s death and has therefore been dubbed the ‘Year of Rembrandt’. This will be celebrated with an unprecedented re-trospective of all paintings, prints, and dra-wings from the Rijksmuseum’s collection. The exhibition will feature such masterpie-ces as The Night Watch, Pendant portraits of Maerten Soolmans and Oopjen Coppit, The Jewish Bride, and The Sampling Offici-als. Given the vulnerability of these works of art, it is incredible that they are being exhibited simultaneously from 15 February to 10 June. The Rijksmuseum stand at TEFAF will include a nod to the upcoming retrospective. The twenty-two paintings in the exhibition, from his early Self-Portrait as a Young Man to his Self-Portrait as the Apostle Paul, provide an overview of his life, with his masterpiece The Night Watch as the undisputed pinnacle.This famous painting will be en-cased in a state-of-the-art glass chamber in July as it undergoes its most extensive restoration to date. The glass chamber will allow visitors to follow the restoration pro-cess in detail. The sizeable collection of drawings (60 in total) represents all of the ar-tist’s periods and styles, including several rare drawings from his early period.
Edited version of Rembrandt self-portrait with cap, 1632 – 1636. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
The Rijksmuseum has selected the 300 best prints of the more than 1,300 in its collection. The exhibition All the Rembrandts introduces different aspects of the artist’s life and work through various themes. When Rembrandt looks at himself in the mirror, the viewer looks over his shoulder. A close examination of Rembrandt’s many self-portraits revels his growth and incomparable talent as an artist. The second theme focu-ses on Rembrandt’s entourage. As a young man, Rembrandt honed his craft by painting portraits of his mother, his family and friends, and later his wife Saskia. He even pain-ted his wife on her sick bed. The artist was also fascinated by the world around him, from beggars and buskers to vagrants and ac-tors. He created countless portraits of the people he encountered. This exhibition was made possible by ING, a partner of the Rijksmu-seum at TEFAF Maastricht. The Rijksmuseum is commemora-ting Rembrandt this year through a series of exhibitions, lectures, and activities. The exhibition Rembrandt-Velázquez will be held this autumn, showcasing the celebrated works of the two great seventeenth-century masters. The exhibition will also feature works by Murillo, Vermeer, Zurbarán, Hals, and Ribera and will run from 11 October to 19 January 2020. This exhibition is the result of a special collaboration between the Rijksmuseum and Museo del Prado in Madrid.
Rembrandt van Rijn, self-portret, ca. 1628. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
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